Minggu, 29 November 2020


 Annisa Ramadhani

Athala Rania

Fathimah Azzahra

Hauri Zephire


Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020

review film "NICOS WEG"

 Nicos weg or in English means nico is gone. This film tells the story of a man named Nico who goes to Germany for the first time because he wants to meet his aunt, yarras. Even though he doesn't have good German skills but he wants to practice and learn some basic German words. Unfortunately he lost the bag containing his address, cellphone, telephone and passport. But it turns out that he still has a photo of his aunt and he is friends with Emma who has an aunt named Lisa who wants to help Nico find his aunt and bag. while he was still looking for his bag and aunt, for a while he lived with lisa and his friends because he didn't have a place to live. While he was still living at Lisa's house he continued to practice his German language skills and talk to other people. Nico had a lot of fun when he was looking for his aunt, and in the end one of Lisa's friends told her that Nico's bag had been found after that he immediately took the bag and finally Nico met his aunt.

 In my opinion the film is pretty good, it's not boring at all and there are some unique ways to get help and learn German. This film is about me as well as about their culture and how they dress and do their daily activities. It is also a useful film for anyone who wants to learn about German as well as basic words to other people. But I think it needs English subtitles because I don't understand some of the scenes because I'm just learning basic German. Oh, I almost forgot my favorite character in this film is Emma, ​​because she's so cute and helps Nico learn German too.

Rabu, 30 September 2020

My goals my ambition

 Hello! today I want to talk about my goals in life!

In my opinion the future is very important and must be planned well, therefore if I have graduated from high school I aspire to become an architect because I really want to enter one of the architectural universities or arts universities in Bandung, namely ITB (Bandung Institute of Bandung) . Technology), I have not realized that there are still many shortcomings in some subjects and I am also very many people who want to enter architecture and art because I struggle to keep learning and catch up with where I am. so that I can make my dreams come true.

Initially I was not interested in the world of art and dreamed of becoming a doctor but after I started growing up I became aware of my ability to be more towards art, since I was in elementary school I often took part in drawing and coloring competitions even though I wrote a champion but I am keep trying to enter various competitions, with hard work and support from my parents. Finally when I was in junior high school, I took part in a wall magazine competition and became the champion. From there I began to discover my abilities. because in my opinion, if someone wants to choose one of the majors during college he must really determine his ability so that everything that will be applied is not burdensome and looks fun.

And if I enter and graduate in any university in architecture or art, I want to be a successful architectural artist so I can make my parents proud and their struggles are not in vain.

Besides that, because I love Indonesia (hehe) if I succeed (Aamiin) I really want to travel around Indonesia with my extended family, because I think happiness and togetherness in the family are the most important. many things, that's why I really want to make them happy.

And from now on I will strive and keep practicing to achieve all my goals and dreams.

That's all from me n see you!!

Selasa, 28 Juli 2020


salsa: hi dani
 dani: hi salsa, what's up?
 Salsa: No, I just want to ask, what kind of extracurricular activity will you take?
 dani: i don't know salsa, i'm still confused
 Salsa: Then let's go see the extracurricular
 dani: alright
 salsa: what is your hobby dani?
 dani: i like playing music, you?
 Salsa: Wow, I'm also a hobby of playing music, I think you can choose an extracurricular with me, what do you think?
 dani: i think this is a good idea, what is your extracurricular activity?
 Salsa: I'm in a classical music extracurricular, how?
 dani: wow seems to suit me
 salsa: then let's list the classical music extracurricular!
 dani: ayoo, I'm already impatient
 imagery: hi can i help you ??
 salsa: yes, we want to list the classical music extracurricular, how?
 image: ok well, here is the form you just need to answer the questions
 dani: wow okay thanks image
 imagery: you're welcome, don't forget to fill out the form
 dani & salsa: ok bye.